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The Description of professional abilities, skills, knowledge and safe performance should be convincing enough reasons to use the services of a Licensed Tree Expert. The title of Licensed Tree Expert is treasured by those who have obtained the designation because it is a standard by which one is compared with others in the business of tree care. The Professional ethics and conduct of those holding this valued credential are monitored by the Board of Tree Experts, which has the revocation powers to uphold the canons of professional ethics.

The Board of Tree Experts encourages the use of Licensed Tree Experts when expertise regarding trees is needed. Recommendations from Licensed Tree Experts will produce the correct, long-term management techniques required in the science of tree care.

Licensed Tree Expert is a person who has been examined and proven to be competent in the science and art of diagnosing, treating and preventing tree injuries. The certification is a document that insures that the named individual has the expertise required to be presented to the public as a Licensed Tree Expert.

The members of the Board of Tree Experts believe that a Licensed Tree Expert is one who has demonstrated the highest professional, ethical and moral standards in the practice of tree care. It is also believed that this individual keeps abreast of state-of-the-art techniques and is continuously increasing his or her knowledge and skills in arboriculture. Over six decades of certifying tree experts has proven this to be true.

The LTE exam is usually held at Cook College during July and is comprised of two separate parts: a written section and a field section. The written section is given indoors with a time allocation of three (3) hours. The field section is conducted outside and also takes approximately three (3) hours.

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